What to ask your IT Security provider | Jupiter IT Support Hull, Grimsby


What You Need To Know From Your IT Security Provider


No matter the size of your business or the industry you’re in, IT security is too important to neglect.

Working with an experienced IT security provider is step one but, it’s still important for you to take an interest in your business security – you have an accountant but still check your bank balance, right?

Of course, with the right provider, you should be able to have complete faith in the protection of your business against cyber crime. To help you make sure you have such a provider, here are some questions you might want to ask and the type of answers you should expect to hear:

5 IT security questions you should ask your provider

#1. What’s the main security risk to your business?

Phishing attacks are the most common type of cyber attack, password hacking and credential use is on the rise but the answer from your IT security provider should be far more specific to your business.

The real risks to your business should be identified based on the gaps in your security and the potential impact on your business.

As our first step with all new Jupiter IT clients, and periodically with all our existing clients, we carry out a comprehensive cyber security audit. These audits are based on the 5 key controls laid out by the Cyber Essentials initiative and are designed to ensure software patches are up to date, Government standards are being adhered to and your business is fit for keeping up with the fast-evolving world of cyber crime.

#2. Is your IT security provider testing your systems?

To ensure the tightest security, your provider should be able to demonstrate how they can prevent a problem as well as resolve a problem. Systems, networks and applications should be checked regularly for new vulnerabilities, and their defences against possible threats should be tested.

With our managed IT services, we proactively monitor our clients’ cyber security continuously; from patch management and anti-malware management to disaster recovery test-runs.

Learn more about managed IT services and the benefits to your business.

#3. Is your business demonstrating cyber security compliance?

If your IT security provider can answer this, you can be happy you have a partner who is invested in you and your business. Demonstrating compliance may seem like unnecessary paperwork but it can give you the edge against competitors and act as evidence that your business has exercised due care if a data breach were to happen.

At Jupiter IT, we guide our clients through the Government-backed Cyber Essentials accreditation. With our consultancy, they learn best practices, gain peace of mind their security strategy is tight, and finally achieve certification – not to mention improved business marketability.

According to the government, if all SMEs implement Cyber Essentials best practice, around 80% of cyber attacks could be prevented.

#4. Does your provider offer IT security training?

When you consider around 50% of successful cyber attacks on businesses are due to human error, it’s easy to understand why employees are often seen as the biggest vulnerability for businesses. Whilst gaps in tech can be patched, cyber criminals are all too aware that the easiest way to access data is to target those who hold it using social engineering techniques.

This is why Jupiter IT offer free cyber security training to all of our clients and their staff. Or training is content-rich, up to date and full of tips you can take forward into your IT security strategy.

#5 What is your provider’s response plan?

Whilst it may appear to demonstrate confidence if your provider says they don’t need one, they’re wrong. All cyber security experts agree that it is no longer a case of ‘if’ a business is breached but ‘when’.

Only 38% of global organisations are truly prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber attack.

With our proactive IT support, we ensure tight disaster recovery plans. We check backups daily to ensure they are updating as they should and perform regular test restores. It’s the only way to be sure all your data can be restored smoothly should the worst happen.

Your IT department

All-in-all, from IT security to IT support, we strongly advise you to look for a provider that also offers consultancy. With transparency and guidance from the right team of experts, your IT can do more than the day-to-day, it can help your business grow.

“Jupiter IT have been nothing but reliable and proactive in the years they have been looking after our IT systems. I have complete peace of mind knowing that in the event of a disaster, the Jupiter team will put it right.”

– Chief Executive Officer, Age UK Hull

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Sometimes the simplest actions bring the best results, whereas other problems may seem impossible to fix. We’re here to get everything up and running again in no time at all, also offering straightforward advice to keep your business going from strength to strength.

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