Meet The Jupiter Team: Ollie Hainsworth | Jupiter IT Support Hull


Meet the Jupiter Team: Ollie Hainsworth


Meet Ollie, one of our IT trainees, joining the Jupiter team on an apprenticeship. With a passion for maintaining our high-level service to deliver the best IT support in Hull, Ollie is a fantastic addition to the team.

But when he’s not supporting our clients, what does he get up to…

What do you like the most about being a part of the Jupiter IT team?

I love the friendly environment that everyone brings to the workplace daily.

Why do you think clients should work with Jupiter IT?

The attitude we all bring to the table – we are 100% here to deliver the best service we can.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I enjoy mountain biking and gaming.

Do you have a secret talent?

I can touch my nose with my tongue!

What’s your pet peeve?

Traffic jams 😡

What is your guilty pleasure?

KFC and Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough.

If you could be any animal, which would you be?

I’d like to be a capybara.

What’s top of your Bucket List?

To see the seven wonders of the world.

Meet the rest of the Jupiter Team

We have a great team at Jupiter IT, which we are immensely proud of. Learn a little more about each of them here.

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Sometimes the simplest actions bring the best results, whereas other problems may seem impossible to fix. We’re here to get everything up and running again in no time at all, also offering straightforward advice to keep your business going from strength to strength.

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IT Support Hull, Leeds, Scunthorpe

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